This And That Podcast

Monday, May 08, 2006

Show 36 This And That Podcast

Show 36 This And That Podcast

60 minutes | 54.9 MB

A lot of politics are talked about in this show. Carol and Jeff often have differing views but still have a good time discussing the issues of the day. Also included are some tasty Dallas minutes, some useful health news and a lot of other fun.

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Show Notes:

Jeff's Secret
Jeff's Announcement
     * Today In Podcasting
     * Podcheck Review
Carol vs. The Gas Pump
United 93
Zacarias Moussaoui's Fate
Illegal Immigration
Political Corruption
Health News
     * Perceptions Of Being Overweight
     * Vitamin D
     * Sex In 2016 (Can't Wait!)
Web Site Of The Week: Second Life
Dallas Minute
     * New Five Star Hotels
     * Best Hamburgers In Dallas
     * Stealing Thongs
     * What To Do With Texas Stadium
     * Best Hamburgers In Dallas
More Political Arguing


  • At May 09, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hannity and Limbaugh are as fair and balanced as they come...

    Reality is the problem. Everyone knows that reality has a liberal bias. ;-)

  • At May 10, 2006 , Blogger chris in Arizona said...

    Ok, I had to comment... Today was a big day for my wife and I.. today she became a U.S. citizen! she is originally from Manila and here is her story... Her parents moved to the U.S. for work.. her father got a job in Washington, D.C. My wife was in HIgh School at the time.. her parents petitioned for a resident alien card, and it took 8 years! for her to get that card. her brother was older and was able to come over as a student and he became a citizen.. so 8 years later.. my wife came to the U.S. to visit her parents.. she only saw them occasionally during high school and college.. they were living in Arizona at the time and that is where we met.. we met at work.. Well.. after you have been a resident alien for 5 years, you are eligible to apply for citizenship.. she did.. and she sent in the money and application.. got her fingerprints a few months later.. a couple of months later she got her interview and today.. May 10th, she became a U.S. citizen... so how do you think she feels about amnesty? or for that matter a ... uh.. temporary worker program (btw, where does a temporary worker go when she is pregnant? or if he is injured on the job?< that's right.. the emergency room, just like the illegal alien) She is so angry about Illegal aliens and any talk about them getting a break.. it took her 14 years to become a citizen.. because she and her family did not break the rules! I know.. what is the solution? I think that you are right Jeff.. the only solution is to punish the people that hire illegal aliens.. I suggest a stiff fine... $1,000 per day per worker that is illegally on the job. I think that would get the attention of employers. Now, I also have some first hand knoweledge of illegal aliens because I used to live in Mexico.. and guess what.. if you teach the illegal aliens english and give them legal footing.. guess what!!! they aren't going to want to do those farm jobs anymore are they? I worked at a hotel in Arizona.. and I decided that I was going to teach my Housekeepers some English.. brought in some tutors and when they picked up some language.. they didn't want to clean rooms anymore.

    So.. then what? then.. more illegals come in.. I think that it is a crock that you can't deport 11 million people... many of the men that are illegal in this country from mexico, left their families back in Mexico.. and they send the money back.. take away the jobs.. and there will be an exodus from this country.

    Then what? who will mow the lawns? clean the dishes? Well, who does that job in Canada? We will have to pay more for those jobs.. give benefits.. maybe we will have to make our kids go to work to get their cars and cell phones.. I worked when i was 12! and I was a dishwasher and I mowed lawns as a kid..

    ok... I got all riled up..

  • At May 11, 2006 , Blogger Jeff said...

    Thanks for the (long!) comment Chris. I think that it's always a bit easy to talk about policy in the theoretical but it's real stories like you and your wife's that have the ultimate power to really shape policy and public opinion.

    Thanks for sharing and congrats to your wife for her recently acquired citizenship!

  • At May 12, 2006 , Blogger chris in Arizona said...

    This was a front page story in Tulsa

    my wife is in the photo, in the back.. she is the short asian woman :)

  • At May 14, 2006 , Blogger Nobilis Reed said...

    Carol, if you're going to talk about something, do your damn research first.

    Cheese and Rice you come off damn ignorant.

    I'm going to focus on the reason that I couldn't get through the podcast. Prison labor.

    Do you REALLY think that prisoners spend their time in leisure and educational pursuits? Please.

    FORTY TWO companies make money off of prisoners.

    And even those prisons that don't have factories have kitchens, laundries, etc. which are staffed primarily by prisoners.

    Please get your facts straight before making a fool of yourself.

  • At May 19, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Nobilis, in Carol's defense, Moussaoui is not going to be working or earning his keep. He will be sitting on his ass in solitary 23 hours a day, with the other hour spent alone in a concrete "yard". While this may be worse than execution for a martyr-wanna-be like him, it will cost the US tax payers millions before he finally goes off in fruitless search of his 72 virgins.

    By the way Carol, I didn't say our mainstream media has a liberal bias. I said *reality* has a liberal bias. That concept is paraphrased from Stephen Colbert - a true American patriot. I guess the winkie ;-) didn't give away the fact that my tongue was planted firmly in my cheek.

  • At May 21, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    He PLEAD GUILTY. There was no trial because he PLEAD GUILTY. Just do the most basic reading of the news!

    Moussaoui is in Supermax - he has no chance of ever "mixing with the rest" because there IS NO MIXING in Supermax. It's just a bunch of tiny concrete cells underground, there is no "yard" and no "prison justice". The only television he can watch is anger management videos. A lot of guys commit suicide under these circumstances.

    As for the "justice" of the sentence, the government dropped all the serious charges some time ago, because they simply couldn't prove them. They were forced to put Massaoui in civilian court FOR SENTENCING because they dropped all the charges that fall under wartime tribunals. He just happens ot be an AMERICAN CITIZEN. For the love of Pete, read ten minutes of news before you blather for half an hour.

    I returned to this podcast after an extreme hiatus and while the production is still superb, the content has gone straight to seed. You were better off as the Seinfeld podcast - this failed attempt at discussing the "big issues" is horribly painful. Let's have some more comedy skits and Jeff-spun diet-pop music. You have no future as a serious news show.

  • At May 24, 2006 , Blogger Jeff said...

    All right, that does it - no more political shows ;-)

    The problem is (as we all can see from this comment section) is that for some reason everybody feels compelled to rationalize their feelings by providing the facts that make their case and ignoring the facts that don't.

    Gee. Interesting, huh?

    And this is a micro-cosm of the problems in Washington. On just about every issue, both sides could find concepts/goals they agree on and then work on policy (and sometimes compromises some) that is true to those agreed concepts and goals. And progress would be made.

    But that wouln't be fun, would it?

    OK - no more shows about politics. It riles Carol up to much and probably loses us audience because as Carol did acknowledge - we really aren't issue/policy experts and probably shouldn't act like we are.

    (and Carol, I do edit the show in places)

  • At May 27, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Dallas airwaves are full of conservatives: Besides WBAP that you mentioned, there's also KSKY, KLIF, KRLD, and KWRD.

    And our one newspaper?

    Conservative. They almost never endorse a Democrat, and one of their editors hails from National Review (and still contributes there). Read their blog and you'll see how conservative most of the editors are. And, hey, just in case you missed Mark Davis on his local and national radio programs, the News gives him his own column, too. You can now read and hear Mark Davis. That kind of diversity is what we need more of in this country.

    Like Cincinnati chili, Dallas media comes different ways: Conservative (Hold the Religion), Religious Conservative, Conservative with Religion on the side, or Mounds of Conservative on a bed of Religion.

  • At July 22, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ummm... I was just gonna say that Wisconsin was a Blue state in the last presidential election and hs two Democratic Senators. ;)

    As for the tone of the debate in these comments, just about every one posting here, including Carol (sorry), is out of line. What kind of dialogue can you have when you treat politics like a football game or a pro wrestling match? I suppose we should all be ashamed as Americans that the new method of winning a debate is who can scream at the other side the loudest.



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